3° 2 & 3° 3 : our school trip to Ypres


Last November, we went to Ypres on a school trip. We visited Flanders Fields Museum and we saw the Menin Gate.

We understood a lot about World War1 and we understood how terrible the soldiers’lives could be :

Soldiers spent a lot of time in trenches in terrible conditions ! Cold, hunger, stress, fear, blood and death were their daily routine. They risked their lives all the time. 10 million soldiers died during that war. It was called the Great War or the war of the trenches.

It was a long and busy morning and we were happy to have lunch all together because we were tired and hungry !

In the afternoon, we visited Hooge Crater and we saw some trenches : very impressive !

We all thought the same : NO MORE WARS !!!!!

                                                                                                              Pupils of 3°2 & 3°3

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